General Meeting


  •  The supreme authority of the society shall be vested in the general meetings and shall be held as follows:-

a)  The annual general meeting shall be convened each year by the management committee, the commissioner or his representative within four months after the close of the financial year.

b)  Any businesses not completed at the annual general meeting may be taken up at a subsequent general meeting.

c)  A special general meeting shall be held:

i.            When convened by the managing committee, or

ii.           The commissioner or his representative or

iii.          Within 14 days of receipt of a written request from at least two thirds of the members.

  • Except as noted in above by-laws 2 ( c ) ii) and iii) at least 15 days clear of written notice shall be given in the case of annual general meeting or a special general meeting. Secretary shall take all possible and usual steps, such as announcement and posting a notice on the society’s notice board, or boards, and newspapers or new-sheet announcements or local churches or mosque: etc to inform all the members of the date and main business of the meeting. All written notice shall be included as a statement of the business to be dealt with.
  • For a special general meeting requisitioned by the members, the requester must state the object of the meeting being called and be signed or thumb marked by the requesting members. The requisition shall be deposited in the registered office of the society. Where the special general meeting has been convened by the commissioners or his representative, the commissioner shall direct what matters shall be discussed in the meeting and members present shall be deemed to constitute a quorum.
  • The presence of at least 50% of the total number active members shall constitute a quorum to conduct of business at a general meeting. When quorum is not present, the chair person shall adjourn the meeting and shall fix a date within one month for the adjourned meeting, if at such meeting, a quorum is not present, the chairperson shall declare the meeting open with those present, one half hour after the notified time of the meeting.
  •     a) In the absence of the chairperson the vice-chair person shall preside over the general meeting. In their absence any member of the management committee elected by majority of those present shall preside failure of which any person elected by a majority member present shall preside.

b) Before they attend or vote at a general meeting, members may be required to produce their membership card and/ national identity card as evidence of the membership.


General meeting shall be conducted, and shall have the powers and duties prescribed in the act, rules and these by-laws.

The general meeting shall:

a)      confirm the minute of the previous meeting

b)      Consider the statements of accounts, the auditors reports, the inspection note of the commissioner, and the reports of the committees on the activities of the society, during the past financial year.

c)      Subject to by-laws 30 decide on the disposal of the net surplus resulting from the operation of the society during the past financial year.

d)     Confirm or otherwise, the action taken by the committee where necessary;

e)      Consider appeals against the expulsions of the members and refusals of the membership by the managing committee and acceptance of new members.

f)       Elect, suspend or remove members of the managing committee or supervisory committee.

g)      Fix the maximum liability which the society may incur on loans or deposits whether from members or from non-members; subject to approval by the commissioner.

i)         Fix the honoraria/ bonus if any for committee members and employees of the society.

h)      Appoint an auditor for the society from a list of auditors approved for the commissioner for the ensuing year.

i)        Transact any other general business of the society which notice has been given to members in the manner prescribed to these by-laws.

  • All business discussed or decided at a general meeting shall be recorded in a minute file which, within one week of the meeting, shall be signed by the chairperson of the meeting and general manager who were present at the meeting to certify that in their opinion the minutes are true and complete record for all important matters which were discussed or decided at the meeting.


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