i. Pegged on four (4) or five (5) times of the borrower’s normal shares depending on the duration of capitalization of interest /dividends
ii. This loan is repaid up to a maximum period of eighty-four (84) months with a share multiplier of either four (4) or five (5). Capitalization of dividend/interest is either four
(4) or five (5) years depending on share multiplier respectively.
iii. The society shall charge an interest of one point zero eight per cent (1.08%) per month on a reducing balance.
iv. Ceiling on the amount for the loan is Kenya shilling four million (Kshs. 4,000,000).
v. Loan application must be supported by the member’s latest two (2) pay slips.
vi. The loan MUST be fully secured by at least three (3) guarantors.
vii. Processing fee of one point five percent (1.5%) shall be charged on the loan applied.
viii. Minimum monthly share contribution for amount above two million Kenya shillings (2 million shillings) is three thousand (3,000) and minimum shares of two hundred thousand Kenya shillings (Kshs. 200,000).
ix. Capitalization of member’s dividends during the loan repayment will either be four (4) or five (5) years depending on the share multiplier.